Glimpsing Gembles


Glimpse into blog tweaks

I love to write and to share my ideas and experiences on my blog. I am constantly thinking of new ways to make it more interesting and give my readers a blog which they enjoy. Due to my health, it is quite hard for to me remain consistent, but I try my best, and you […] Read more…

Glimpse into end of year best wishes

Hello there! I truly hope that you have all had a lovely Christmas. I had a beautiful time with my small family, revolving around good food, thoughtful presents, Christmas movies, board games, love and happiness. Thankfully, my body allowed me a couple of fairly good days, and I was able to join in on the […] Read more…

Glimpse into Motivational Monday – SELF – week 46

Do not compare yourself to others. Use them as inspiration, but do not compete. You are the only person you need to get better than. Acknowledge what your own abilities are right now. Set a goal. Fight with every scrap of “oomph” you have to get to that point. Then set another goal. You’ve got this. Read more…

Magnifying Moments

~ See the good…a blanket placed over you when you have fallen asleep in a random spot from exhaustion  ~ Feel the happy…muddy paws of a blissed out puppy ~ Brighten your mind…the tiny grain tries to protect itself by being hard to digest – hence all humans have a certain degree of problem when consuming grains ~ Find the moment…cuddling […] Read more…

Magnifying Moments

~ See the good…bedside tea refills without asking                                        ~ Feel the happy…a 1.5 kg, 10 week old Shih Tzu pup/new family member      ~ Brighten your mind…3 pups survived the Titanic sinking                     ~ Find the moment…a downward dog yoga pose in the sunshine See the good (small things to be grateful for) Feel the happy (small things to be happy about) Brighten […] Read more…