2020 Bookish Stats (& Reading Journal)

I am a complete nerd when it comes to lists and keeping a record of my reading does not escape this! Today, I want to share my 2020 bookish stats.

It was a great reading year in terms of how many books I thoroughly enjoyed.

I found 4 new favourites of all time, which is awesome!

These were:

  • The Dream Daughter
  • The Rearranged Life of Oona Lockhard (also called Oona Out of Order)
  • Writers and Lovers
  • The Invisible Life of Addie Larue

I read 53 books

  • 9 physical books
  • 7 e-books
  • 8 physical books while listening to the audiobook
  • 28 audiobooks

My ratings:

  • 16 x four stars
  • 20 x three stars
  • 5 x two stars (the perks of having to read books out of your control for uni!)


  • 30 x females
  • 21 x males
  • 2 x more than one author – male and female
  • 45 x new-to-me authors
  • 8 x read before

Author’s nationality:

  • 22 x English
  • 19 x American
  • 4 x Australian
  • 1 x African
  • 1 x Israeli
  • 1 x Scottish
  • 1 x French
  • 1 x Canadian
  • 1 x Irish
  • 1 x Egyptian

Stand alone books:

  • 39

Part of a series:

  • 13

Short story collection:

  • 1


  • 15 x magical realism/fantasy/dystopian
  • 13 x non fiction
  • 9 x classic
  • 5 x contemporary
  • 3 x graphic novel
  • 2 x poetry collection
  • 2 x sci -fi
  • 2 x historical fiction
  • 1 x crime
  • 1 x chick lit
    • (of these, there were 4 x young adult, 2 x gothic, 2 x children’s and 1 x adventure)

I love that I read a broad array of genres and authors. In 2019, I burned myself out on historical fiction, particularly war-related books, because of reading so many for writing projects I was working on (and I do love the genre). Also, with everything going on in the world, I wanted to move away from what is often heavy-going reading matter.

I have increasingly loved magical realism over the past few years, and this really took off in 2020. I find it so exciting to read books with an imaginative and interesting element, and these books are so often amazingly unique and fun to read.

I’m amazed how many books I read were written by American or English authors. A lot of book recommendations come to me from American or English booktubers and book bloggers, so it does make sense, but I really want to continue expanding the author nationalities I read and the countries books are set in.

Did you keep any stats about the books you read in 2020? I’d love to hear how you tracked them if you did. What areas are you surprised by or happy with?

Are you going to keep a record of what you read in 2021? I recommend it! It’s fun, and it is also a great way to see what types of books you gravitate towards, what you enjoy and want to reach for more, and what areas you might want to grow in.

Happy planning, and enjoy nerding out!