After my big haul in August, I was somehow quite restrained in September and did not buy any new books! In October, I was still quite sensible, because I have been trying to catch up on the books I have already bought! I did buy three books though…. Room by Emma Donoghue. This book has […] Read more…
Month: October 2015
Exploring quotes
If you follow me on Pinterest, or this blog, you probably have picked up that I love quotes. Being a lover of words and writing, I have always been fascinated by the phrases that become well-known for their inspiring, uplifting, or thought-provoking nature. I love that there are words out there that we can choose […] Read more…
Fruity breaky cake
You know that I am all about easy and healthy food, and what better than a nutritious cake you can eat at any time of the day, and make in a blender?! This cake is yummy cold or warmed up, by itself or topped with coconut yogurt, maple syrup and fruit, and is a great […] Read more…
Judge a book by its cover (book club challenge & Church of Marvels review)
The book selection for our book club this time was a bit different. Instead of a set book being chosen for discussion, it was all about a challenge…pick a book by its cover. This means that inevitably we will have all read different books. I am looking forward to seeing what you chose, and adding […] Read more…