Glimpsing Gembles


My name is Gem; a writing student, former nurse, and beach bum wannabe, sharing my thoughts on healthy foods, books, living with chronic illnesses and food intolerances, and all sorts of other musings!

Glimpse into healthy icecream

An important part to our special Christmas recipe, which will be revealed in its entirety this Foodie Friday, is this amazing and delicious recipe… Banana ice cream Basically, this recipe is: FROZEN BANANAS! All that needs to be done, is slice up a banana for each serve, and freeze. When ready to serve, simply blend […] Read more…

Glimpse into Wellness Wednesday – week 49 – Santa squats!

This week’s Wellness Wednesday will focus on the squat, and in keeping with this month’s festive theme, it will be called the Santa Squat! The squat is an awesome exercise which involves the upper and lower body, in particular the butt, thighs, lower back and core. It burns calories, and strengthens and tones your muscles. It is […] Read more…

Glimpse into strawberry tea jelly

This month will be full of special posts to get us ready for the festive season! Just because you have restricted diets, or because you have chronic health issues, does not mean you have to miss out on the festive cheer! I will bring you ideas on how to be part of this Christmas season. […] Read more…

Glimpse into Foodie Friday – week 47 – banana

Today’s Foodie Friday ingredient is the humble banana!! These delicious fruits are a quick and easy hit of carbohydrates, which normalise blood sugar levels, and so are great for sustained energy, workout fuel, and maintaining a good mood and a clear and effective mind. Bananas are a great source of fibre, antioxidants and some important vitamins, […] Read more…

Glimpse into learning to live with chronic illness

Now and again, someone stumbles across my blog who is new to dealing with chronic fatigue, or a friend of a friend points them in my direction for advice. This has made me think that it is time to do a summary post about some of what I have learned about dealing with certain issues […] Read more…

Glimpse into Motivational Monday – SELF – week 46

Do not compare yourself to others. Use them as inspiration, but do not compete. You are the only person you need to get better than. Acknowledge what your own abilities are right now. Set a goal. Fight with every scrap of “oomph” you have to get to that point. Then set another goal. You’ve got this. Read more…