Glimpsing Gembles


My name is Gem; a writing student, former nurse, and beach bum wannabe, sharing my thoughts on healthy foods, books, living with chronic illnesses and food intolerances, and all sorts of other musings!

Almond maple slice

This almond slice is ssoo yummy. I may or may not have made double the recipe twice in one fortnight recently and devoured it all….but it was shared between three family and friends!!! If you can resist from eating it all in one sitting, it does save really well in the fridge. I’m sure you […] Read more…

8 tips for studying

The second semester of the year has begun here in Australia (somehow I am already in week 4 at uni- how did that happen?!), and I know in other countries the new study year is fast approaching. So I thought I would a put a few ideas down about how to deal with studying. These […] Read more…

Choc chip almond butter cookies

I know I have a lot of cookie recipes on my blog, and most are choc chip…but I like cookies, alright?! I enjoy trying new combinations and seeing what works (sometimes I regret this when I am craving cookies and create a new recipe only to be left with something inedible!). This recipe came about […] Read more…

What I learned from Turia Pitt

Turia Pitt is an extraordinary woman. I was able to listen to her talk last night as part of her new book tour. She has just released her second book, ‘Unmasked’, which I have started reading, and I read her first book, ‘Everything to Live For: The Inspirational Story of Turia Pitt’, a few years […] Read more…