Glimpsing Gembles

Motivation Monday

Glimpse into Motivation Monday – BREATHE – week 20

Allow yourself the frustration, the anger, the sadness, the fear, the loneliness. Allow yourself the hope, the prayer, the optimism, the expectation, the aspiration. Know that you are not alone in this fight, and if you keep strong, no matter how empty you feel, something good will come. There is no other option. Giving up will […] Read more…

Glimpse in Motivational Monday – LAUGHTER- week 15

Hello all, on this cloudy Motivational Monday! I spent time yesterday with some of my favourite people in the world, and it really showed me how laughter is the best medicine. It is incredible how much better you feel in a moment of laughter. Subsequently, this week’s motivational quote is going to be: “Against the […] Read more…

Glimpse into Motivational Monday – week 11 2014

“Patience is not the ability to wait, but the ability to keep a good attitude while waiting.” If you are stuck in bed most of the time like I am at the moment, this is especially poignant. It applies to everyone though. Keep smiling, keep positive, don’t give up. Cry and complain, because that is […] Read more…

Motivational Monday – Week 10 2014

As I am nearing a monumental birthday (the big 3-0), I am aware that this is typically a time people reflect on where they are in life and what they have done. Up until the age of about 26, I was happy with everything that I’d done; I felt accomplished, well travelled, educated and happy […] Read more…

Glimpse into Motivation Monday – week 8 2014

This week’s Motivation Monday…   This is especially apparent in chronic illness, due to the ongoing unwell times and loneliness, and then the stressful visits to doctors, endless tests, worry about employment and your lack of independence, and how you will get your life back on track, the loss of friends, and life plans and […] Read more…

Glimpse into Motivation Monday – week 7 2014

Welcome to the new blog series… Motivation Mondays! To get things started, here is an idea to think about this week….  “Do not wait until the conditions are perfect to begin. Beginning makes the conditions perfect.” A big part of having a chronic illness is waiting. Waiting for answers, waiting for results, waiting for improvements. […] Read more…