Among the community of people with chronic illnesses, a common topic of contention is the grey area of receiving a compliment – a particular compliment, that is. The compliment in question? “You look good.” It seems harmless. It is a mostly well intentioned statement, offered up as a token gesture of good will and care. […] Read more…
Tai chi
When I had better health than I do now, I loved to be active. I have never been particularly good at sports, but I was always doing something – softball, hockey, gymnastics, rowing, cricket, swimming, gym classes, dancing, hiking, cycling – I enjoyed the outdoors, and fun, high-energy activity. My Mum has learned and then […] Read more…
Having a pet when living with illness or disability
Pets can play such an important part in the life of those with chronic illnesses or disabilities. No matter what the breed, if chosen suitably for the situation, they can provide so much good; love, happiness, comfort, company, healing and motivation. I highly recommend pets as a part of the healing (and general living!) process. […] Read more…
Blog relaunch!
Hello! Welcome to the new website for the Glimpsing Gembles Blog! My name is Gemma, or Gembles, as my little brother calls me, and I am so excited to have you here! This site is here to bring you various posts; from recipes I create, to book and product reviews, to ideas for living a fulfilling […] Read more…
Glimpse into finding the right foods for you
Recently, I received a comment that stated that the raw vegetable juices I drink are full of anti-nutrients and cause my autoimmune diseases, and that I eat too many sweet tasting foods. To be honest, this sent me into a bit of a spin. Trust me, I have read about the fact green leaves might […] Read more…
Glimpse into Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome
In March last year, I wrote a post about my recent diagnosis of Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS). You can read it here. I did not go into great depth with an explanation of what this syndrome is, as I was still taking it all in. I was fortunate to have learned a lot about this condition prior to […] Read more…
Glimpse into fighting for the life you want to live
Having chronic illnesses is like being a tightrope walker, juggling twenty different balls, with one arm tied behind your back and a blind fold over your eyes. * You are forever fighting against losing every aspect of your life which is important to you, while at the same time finding the delicate balance of where […] Read more…
Glimpse into Wellness Wednesday – week 50 – lunges
Lunges are a simple exercise which can be done in various ways to suit your fitness level. As I have mentioned before, when you are often resting, the hip flexors in particular can become tight. Regular lunges can keep this flexible and minimise other issues caused by tight hip flexors, such as a bad back. […] Read more…
Glimpse into Motivation Monday – week 50 – the importance of balance
We hear it again and again; everything in moderation, balance is key. I absolutely believe this. I think a lot of people put the wrong amount of pressure on themselves though. The “naughty” does not have to be unhealthy, negative choices. When you realise this, it is a major breakthrough in life! Whether it be food […] Read more…
Glimpse into Wellness Wednesday – week 49 – Santa squats!
This week’s Wellness Wednesday will focus on the squat, and in keeping with this month’s festive theme, it will be called the Santa Squat! The squat is an awesome exercise which involves the upper and lower body, in particular the butt, thighs, lower back and core. It burns calories, and strengthens and tones your muscles. It is […] Read more…