Glimpsing Gembles


Glimpse into the waiting game

Time is just plodding along at the moment. I am not working. I rarely leave the house. Apart from a couple of friends, my main points of human contact are with my parents (who are indeed awesome human contacts!). If I do find the motivation and energy to do something for an hour or two, […] Read more…

Glimpse into orange and almond cake

I have just had the energy to make a cake! Sure, it was after I lay in bed til gone 11am, but I will take small achievements!!! So as I sit here and drink my green smoothie lunch, the smells of an orange and blueberry almond cake waft from the oven!! This cake is gluten […] Read more…

Glimpse into hang in there

It was blood test day on Friday and then back to the doc on Monday. Things are still going very slowly. I have had to confirm more time off from work as my body is still aching, tired, weak, my gut is playing up and my brain is still dizzy, thick and cloudy. It seems […] Read more…

Glimpse into the restricted diet

Since discovering I have Fructose Malabsorption mid 2011, and then finding more and more foods that cause me issues over the following year, I have had to drastically change my diet. Being a “FructMal” means that I have to closely monitor my amounts of foods containing FODMAPS (Fermentable Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharides and Polyols), which all […] Read more…

Glimpse into Thursday January 3rd 2012

I have been MIA the past few days from the blog because for the past week, the pain and stiffness in my shoulders, back and hips have been overwhelming. I have barely moved from the couch or bed. That coupled with feeling flat and tired, hasn’t enabled motivation to sit in front of a computer!! When I […] Read more…

Glimpse into Hashimoto’s disease

I have Hashimoto’s disease. This is an autoimmune disease, which means that my body is attacking itself. For an unknown reason, I have a high level of antibodies in my blood. This could be because I have had many viruses and illnesses in the past, but even with modern science, it will probably always be […] Read more…

Glimpse into 2012

This year has been a haze of doctors, dieticians, sick leave, and hours of couch time. Last year, my energy levels had started to falter. I would exercise a couple of times in a week, and then be sick for weeks. By the start of this year, I would get fatigued for days on end for […] Read more…