Glimpsing Gembles


Glimpse into Motivation Monday – week 7 2014

Welcome to the new blog series… Motivation Mondays! To get things started, here is an idea to think about this week….  “Do not wait until the conditions are perfect to begin. Beginning makes the conditions perfect.” A big part of having a chronic illness is waiting. Waiting for answers, waiting for results, waiting for improvements. […] Read more…

Glimpse into the New Year

Today is New Year’s Day. A day typically dedicated to reflection and statements of intentions. Every New Year for the past 3 years, I have made New Year’s resolutions. These have all revolved around my health and improving its state of deterioration, which had begun to speed up between 2008 and 2010. Each year, I felt more determined […] Read more…

Glimpse into my thoughts about chronic illness

I have chosen to write 5 things I hate about having a chronic illness, 5 things that help put a positive spin on chronic illness, and 5 things I still need to learn from or about living with chronic illness. I hope this helps people feel less alone, get some ideas, or understand other people’s situation… […] Read more…

Glimpse into a life transformation

As I deal with a chronic illness that prevents me from taking part in activities that I once loved to do, I take inspiration from people who have managed to change their bodies into something amazing. Whether it is due to chronic illness, a busy and hectic lifestyle, poor choices, or a lack of resources […] Read more…

Glimpse into our driving forces

I have a post, about dealing with insomnia, ready to put up on my blog, but right now, as I lie on the couch feeling very unwell, and needing to distract myself from my body, I find myself writing another. I am worried that I am not reacting well to the latest medication addition. I really hope not. It is hard […] Read more…

Glimpse into listening to the lessons

Having a body that is not working to its full ability is frustrating beyond description. To begin to explain the feelings that it creates, the words sadness, disappointment, anger, self pity, jealousy, self loathing, and disbelief spring to mind. However, it can also have a positive side. Sometimes, in my low moments, I think of […] Read more…

Glimpse into the Boston Marathon bombing

We need to stop waking up like this; waking to news from overseas of something horrible happening. I woke this morning to the sound of my parents’ phone ringing. It was missed, and then it rang again. I heard Dad get up and answer it, and say hello to my aunt. Then after a little […] Read more…

Glimpse into hang in there

It was blood test day on Friday and then back to the doc on Monday. Things are still going very slowly. I have had to confirm more time off from work as my body is still aching, tired, weak, my gut is playing up and my brain is still dizzy, thick and cloudy. It seems […] Read more…