Glimpsing Gembles


Christmas themed foods

Candy cane breakfast treat A fun and simple festive breakfast or snack idea that is great for kids and adults in the Christmas season is this banana and strawberry treat!  It is so easy that all you need is bananas and strawberries.Slice these up into fairly equal sizes. Shape these slices into the shape of […] Read more…


These brownies are incredibly fluffy, and melt in the mouth with creaminess and deliciousness! And of course, they are gluten, grain, egg, dairy and nut free. low in FODMAPs, actually contain fruit and veggies, and are really good for you! Amazing! Don’t be put off by the veggie content – I promise that you can […] Read more…

Carrot Cake

I love chocolate, and thankfully I can still eat it, but due to the limitations on my diet due to intolerances and health considerations, a lot of my baked treats contain chocolate, as it is quite difficult to flavour them differently within my available ingredients. This can, at times, become a little boring, even for […] Read more…

Fruity breaky cake

You know that I am all about easy and healthy food, and what better than a nutritious cake you can eat at any time of the day, and make in a blender?! This cake is yummy cold or warmed up, by itself or topped with coconut yogurt, maple syrup and fruit, and is a great […] Read more…

Chunkalicious cookies

I have named these cookies Chunkalicious because that is indeed what they are! I came up with this creation today when looking for a sweet treat to make for friends who I am catching up with on the weekend. These are a little more decadent than my almond cookies. This recipe makes a double batch, which […] Read more…


I absolutely love pizza, but since my diet has meant being grain free, it has become one of the foods I dream of and long for. A few weeks ago, I was having a relaxing few days with my family, and I thought, ‘what the heck, I am going to use a gluten free base […] Read more…

Chocolate and coconut cake

Here is a simple and easy chocolate cake for you to make for a healthy and yummy weekend treat! Banana flour is a great gluten and grain free substitute for flour. It is becoming more easily available in health food shops and aisles. It does have quite a savoury flavour, and it is quite absorbent, so […] Read more…

Almond cookies

I love cookies (who doesn’t?!), and I have long been on the experiment trail for the perfect gluten, grain, egg and dairy free and low fructose cookie. It sounds impossible, I know, and trust me, I had got to the point where I thought I should stop, because having batch after batch of crumbly, dry, […] Read more…

Glimpsing ingredients

This list consists of posts that I have written which explore certain ingredients. Click on one which is of interest to you to be taken to the relevant post. Banana Buckwheat Chia seeds Cinnamon Coconut Lemons Rice syrup Walnuts Read more…